Barbie dolls and self esteem of young girls
How do Barbie dolls impact young girls? Every one of us has heard or played with Barbie dolls, haven’t we? Let me go back a little and give a brief history of Barbie Dolls. These plastic dolls were manufactured on 9 th March 1959 by Mattel Inc. and took inspiration from Bild Lilli, a German fashion doll. As I recall, my childhood friends would cling to their Barbie as it fascinated them. Irrespective of what they did, you would always find them roaming with their dolls. With time, I realized how deeply it had affected each one of us and millions of children. Let me explain to you in simple words. Humans tend to observe, learn, and imitate behaviors and actions of those around them, and this is known as observational learning . For example, we see how others dress up and wear clothes accordingly to get accepted and fit in the society. We tend to compare ourselves with each other even if it makes us sad because we like to self-reflect and evaluate ourselves. This explains why ...