Dealing with 2020

How to stay calm during quarantine?

"Breathe.It's only a bad day not a bad life.", Ashley Purdy
We welcome you to our first blog!

This year has been majorly filled with surprises (mind it, not good ones). Having to witness the pandemic has really been scary and on top of that being isolated and not getting to see your friends or for some, family can take a toll on your mental health. So, what all can you do to go through the free time without letting anything affect you mentally?

1) Be realistic optimist.    

Practicing realistic optimism is one of crucial things we need to take into account. We can't change what has happened to us but we can CHOOSE how to respond.

We can change our perspectives and not let unnecessary thoughts bother us.

2) Be grateful.

Everyday ask yourself "What am I grateful for?". 

You may have heard this from different website/teachers and believe me, it has been proved to be helpful for people struggling with mental health.

If you are determined to change then give it a try. Do note that no matter when you do it, you should really mean it.

3) Learn a new talent

I am pretty sure all of us have done something new and learned a talent. For instance, people who weren’t tech savvy probably know a lot more now. 
Agreed looking at the current scenario will make you disagree with me but looking at the long run you all will say yes it did teach me something. 
From learning to handling your home to cooking your favorite dishes, we would have never tried it only because we always had an easier resort that is to order it.

4) Boost Immunity.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
This classic garden plant can be used for more than just seasoning. 
Some research suggests that the aroma may reduce feelings of anxiety and fatigue

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is rich in the anti-inflammatory compound curcumin. 
A 2017 research
review found that curcumin may anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.

Green tea (Camellia sinensis)
Green tea is high in l-theanine, an amino acid that might reduce anxiety.
One 2017 study found that students who drank green tea experienced consistently lower
levels of stress than students in the placebo group.

5) Do NOT lock yourself.

We as humans who always just want to excel wouldn’t have stopped. I am pretty sure this time did teach many workaholics that family is important too 
Kids always used to be packed,mothers would ensure their kids always has something to do but isn’t boredom also good doesn’t it teach our mind to think out of the box.
Doesn't matter if you're a child or a parent, it is essential to spend time with them. Had a fight? solve it. If not communicate, play games (Ludo King), have debates, look at old family pictures. Get to know each other.

6) Games

If you're a procrastinator, you can be committed to online games. Increase your memory and boost your brain by playing memory games which can increase your short term memory and stimulate your minds. It will be very helpful if you're one of the students who study a night before an exam.

That is it for today. Don't forget to check up on your friends. Stay safe, stay strong & stay at home.

Leave your suggestions below, if any :)

Kritika Chhetri and Ishita Sharma


  1. Good going girls :) . Keep it up.


  2. Very comprehensive article covering all the different aspects like physical well being, mental well being & social engagements.

    Post covid era will require a very different skill set for people in different age groups. I hope you will cover that on your blog in future.

    Looking forward to see more of your blogs in future.

    Happy Writing... & good luck to both of you.

  3. This was helpful <3

  4. Good start! very relevant topic picked up as maiden article.
    Eager to read more on other topics too. Best wishes...

  5. Great work
    People really need this.

  6. Heyy, off to a good start!!
    Cant wait to read your future posts

  7. Definitely a very promising start!! Keep up the good work.

  8. Dear girls, you have done a great job. Yes, this is the time we all need to live positively and spread positivity. We should maintain physical distancing, not social distancing. I think this is the right time to live life at fullest, to talk with friends/relatives (obviously over phone), and to follow long forgotten hobbies.


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