What is Memory and how to increase it?
Ever, wondered how some peoples can remember long back while others tend to forget. What causes this difference? It is the way one works with their memory and uses it wisely. Our memory is a storehouse of information. It is similar to that of a computer just we aren’t that blessed that we can learn everything at one go. It consists of parts that work together to enhance memory. Today, we will learn how to boost our memory in a healthy manner
Firstly, to learn skills to hone our memory we must discover how the memory works. So, for that let me give you a look in “THE STAGE MODEL OF MEMORY”
Don’t panic this is how our memory works seem slightly complex but well we humans are also
complex. Now let us break this into parts.
It all begins with a change in the environment i.e. the stimulus. Example: When our mom yells in the morning “WAKE UP”😂. That is then followed by our sensory memory which has a large capacity but a very small duration. Example: When we have visual input maybe our mom scaring us with a glass of water near our face. Then when we decide to give attention to the stimuli, it enters our short-term memory where we encode it. Example: We try figuring out what one is saying. These days the common line is your “Online classes start soon”. After that, we have our long-term memory in which we do elaborative rehearsing i.e. practicing something repeatedly. When one is done with that the information is registered permanently. Example: In this case, our mom will be honored if we can learn the skill of waking up on time
1. Listen to the correct type of music
Music can make anything easier but the correct
Music can make anything easier but the correct
type of music. So, now don’t feel ashamed to play music while doing an important assignment.
2. When you cannot imagine something, make it Say what!!
Sounds crazy right but it really helps when you are stuck with some 3D Model imagination. Grab some clay and make the model.
Sounds crazy right but it really helps when you are stuck with some 3D Model imagination. Grab some clay and make the model.
3. Chunking
BREAK THE TASK into smaller parts.
4. Have retrieval cues
Try associating ideas like when you hear photosynthesis the thought “making food” should
come to your brain. Then the equation comes in your mind with the word food.
5.Create Mnemonics to guide yourself
While setting goals the mnemonic SMART helps a lot. Set your goal to be: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Go ahead and create yourself
6) Magic of Cocoa!
Cocoa powder contains flavonoids. In simpler words, flavonoids help your body work efficiently, simultaneously fight toxins, and more importantly is beneficial to the brain.
To support this, research showed that people who consumed dark chocolate containing cocoa had improved memory as compared to those consuming white chocolate without cocoa.
7) Focused Attention
If you have an adequate amount of attention then it can be easier for you to push your information from short term memory to long term memory. Get rid of all the distractions and try to set SMALL GOALS first. Gradually, you will be able to resist distractions once you master to complete these goals.
8) Games to the rescue!
If you have tried all these ways or too lazy to try them out then do not worry! Memory games have a set of games that are pretty engaging, fun, and at the same time training your brain to develop.
Some memory games are sudoku, crossword, matching pictures which will challenge your brain to think harder. It might get frustrating but remember you need to develop your cognitions.
9) Exercise - classic solution to all the problems
No matter what is troubling you, a 30 mins brisk walk is enough for having a fresh mind. Your physical health affects your brain. Exercising or walking daily will stop the cognitive decline and increase memory capacity. Keep on pushing yourself and don't forget to include aerobic exercises.
Sleep is also in direct relation to how efficient your brain is. When you sleep, nerve cells communicate and reorganize information stored, repairs cells, and release essential hormones and proteins. A night of proper sleep can maximize your problem-solving skills and enhance memory.
Memory does not work immaculately because one or the other factors will always affect it. We need to improve the quantity and quality of our memory. Do not stress if you constantly forget the moment you walk into a room or get distracted for a few seconds. Just remember, it is important to constantly challenge your brain after all, computers get slow if not used regularly.😉
Ishita Sharma and Kritika Chhetri
Ishita Sharma and Kritika Chhetri
I praise your subject and contents of blog.Congratulstions,You r going to achieve global opportunities.---Dadaji